Utility Bill Auditing & Cost Reduction Platform For Job Loss Victims Updated

Monday, April 29, 2024 at 10:14pm UTC

With the new update, job loss victims can benefit from a fully outsourced bill negotiation service with no upfront cost, so they can reduce monthly expenditure across multiple contracts without losing their focus on their job search.

More information can be found at https://recessionresister.com/

Customers just have to upload a scan or photo of their bills, and the team will immediately begin its auditing and negotiation process. Payment is only ever taken as a cut of the savings - a risk-free approach for those who are most in need.

Recession Resister's research found the average cable bill has increased by 40% since 2010, outpacing inflation for every single one of the past 20 years - but the trend is not unique to cable providers, as consumers have experienced rising costs across a variety of essential services.

A recent Business Insider report underscores that millions of Americans are overpaying $60 billion every year for basic services, highlighting the need for a solution that can help consumers regain control of their monthly expenses.

But according to Recession Resister, the challenge is that most customers are unaware that they are being overcharged. For most people, it's a similar situation: their monthly costs for services increased slowly but consistently over time without them noticing.

Bill Saver is designed to address this by negotiating better rates on behalf of its clients. The service works for various monthly bills, including TV, internet, mobile, satellite, electricity, and security.

For those in deregulated energy markets, Recession Resister can also arrange an energy switching program to provide further savings on electricity and natural gas costs. The overall goal is to ensure that consumers can take control of their finances and regain the upper hand against rising monthly expenses - especially when they're out of work.

A spokesperson states: "With Bill Saver, our smart technology and team of negotiation experts ensure you're not being overcharged - and basically, you trust us to find a way to lower your monthly bills or you don't pay us a penny. It's that simple."

Interested parties can learn more at https://recessionresister.com/

Recession Resister

11923 NE Sumner St
STE 687470
United States

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